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Evaluation at x = <whatever value was substituted>.

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Q: What is it called when a value is substituted for x?
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What is the value for a variable that makes an equation?

It's the value that when substituted in for the variable, makes the equation true. Ex: x + 1 = 3 The value 2, when substituted for the variable x, makes the equation true.

What is a value that is substituted for the independent variable in a relationship or function?

It is called the argument of the function.

How do you write an exponent on a calculator?

enter a value "x", press the "^" key, then enter the value you want to raise "x" to, "y". the calculator should show X^Y, for whatever you substituted. hit enter.

What does function of x mean?

A function of x means that the answers depends on the value of x that is substituted into the function. For example: y = x + 1 If x = 1, y = 2 If x = 2, y = 3 and so on.

Can you add slug plus five?

Slug would have to be substituted for "x," as slug is not a numerical value. Thus, the final answer would be yes, and the result would be X+ 5 where x=slug.

What is the number which when substituted in a polynomial makes its value zero?

A root.

How is an equation different from an algerbraic expression?

X2 Is an algebraic expression. X2 = 4 Is an equation that can be solved for X. The variable, X, in this case, has two values. In the expression any value can be substituted for X.

The value substituted into an expression or function?


In the ordered pair x and y the x is called the origin?

No, the origin is the point where the x-axis and y-axis meet in the coordinate plane. The x value of an ordered pair is called the abscissa (the y value is called the ordinate).

How do you solve x for 2-2 over 3x equals 4over5x?

This question has already been answered in detail and the value of x is 11/15 which when substituted into the equation results in: 12/11 = 12/11

What is the Meaning of algebraic equation?

An equation cannot exist (has no meaning) without an '=' sign. Therefore, and somewhat simplistically, an equation MEANS that, for specific instances, the entities on both sides of the '=' sign are in balance (equal in worth). Example 1: x + 2 = 5; means there is a value of 'x' which when substituted into the entity 'x + 2' will make it equal in value to what's on the other side of '=', ie: 5. In this example the balance is achieved when and only when x has the value 3. Example 2: x2 + 5x - 8 = 66 (where x2 represents x-squared) means there are > 1 value of 'x' which when substituted into the entity 'x2 + 5x - 8' wll make it equal in value to 66. In this example the values of x ('+' and '-'values) can be determined iteratively or by using the quadratic formula. Hope this helps.

A set of ordered pairs that assign to each x-value exactly one y-value is called a?

A set of ordered pairs that assign to each x-value exactly one y-value is called a function.