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Q: What is the Point that divides median into 2 1 ratio called?
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What ratio does a median divide two equilateral triangle?

A median divides any triangle in half.

What is where all medians of a triangle intersect?

The centroid of a triangle is the point of intersection of the medians and divides each median in the ratio 2:1

Centroid of a triangle?

The centroid of a triangle is the point of intersection of its three medians. Each median of a triangle connects a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. The centroid divides each median into two segments with a ratio of 2:1, closer to the vertex.

The medians of a triangle meet at the centroid of the triangle?

Yes that is correct I'm in Geometry myself and we just learned this, it is called the Centroid because it divides each median in a 2:1 ratio

A point on a 12-inch ruler that divides the ruler into a golden ratio would be a point?

At a measure of approx 7.4164 inches.

Draw a line segment of length 6.5cm find a point p on it which divides it in ratio 3 2?

3.9 and 2.6

How do you find the point that divides a line segment according to a given ratio?

-- ADD the two numbers in the ratio.-- Then divide the line segment into that many equal pieces.-- From one end, count off a number of pieces equal to either number in the ratio.-- At the point after that many pieces, the two parts of the line segment on either sideof it are in the desired ratio.

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Is the centroid of a triangle divides it by 2 1 ratio?


What is the ratio of force to work called?

It is the inverse of the displacement of the point of application in the direction of of the force.

AB is a chord of a circle of radius 4.3 cm and P is a point on it which divides it into two parts in the ratio 710 if P is 2.7 cm distant from the centre O the length of AB is?

6.8 cm

What is cutoff ratio?

Cutoff ratio is not the ratio of the volume of the cylinder at the end of combustion to the start of the combustion process in a diesel engine. actually cutoff ratio means point at which fuel injected for a period and fuel delivery is stopped at required instant -is called cutoff ratio.............