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Let the larger number be x, the smaller be y.


9 * x = 7 * y + 186

x + y = 42

I'll start by solving the first equation for y:

y = 42 - x

Now, substituting into the first equation:

9 * x = 7 * (42 - x) + 186

9 * x = 294 - 7 * x + 186

9 * x = - 7 *x + 480

Adding 7 * x to both sides, then dividing by 16:

16 * x = 480

x = 30

Now, substituting the value of x back into the second equation:

y = 42 - 30 = 12

So x = 30, y = 12

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Q: What is the answer on this problem Nine times larger number is 186 more than seven times the smallertheir sum is 42 what are the numbers?
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