An ordered pair is a pair of numbers, in cases where the order is relevant. Often used to indicate coordinates. Also, in general, to create new (larger) sets out of existing sets, in a process known as "Cartesian product"
The abscissa is another word for the first coordinate in an ordered pair.
The symbol for an ordered pair is (x,y).
The inverse of an ordered pair (a,b) is the pair (b,a). So you simply switch the order.
An ordinate is the "y" co-ordinate of an ordered pair. e.g. in (3,4), 4 is the ordinate. If you are interested the "x" part is called the abscissa.
The second number in an ordered pair (x,y) is the y-coordinate for that point.
ordered pair
An Ordered Pair proving Math isn't funny
Well, the ordered pair is in a coordinates (x,y).In mathematics, they can be used in a coordinate plane.
yes because all it is telling you how to ordered pairs of numbers
The idea is to replace one variable in the equation by the first number in the ordered pair, the other variable with the second number in the ordered pair, do the calculations, and see whether the resulting expressions are indeed equal.
An ordered pair, depending on the exact kind of math you're doing, may represent a point on a graph, a piece of data, etc. In elementary algebra, an ordered pair generally describes a point on a graph in the format (x, y).
a pair of numbers used to locate a point on a coordinate plane
The abscissa is another word for the first coordinate in an ordered pair.
Given an ordered pair, (x,y), the first number is the x coordinate.
The x-coordinate comes first in an ordered pair.
A convex quadrilateral with two pair of equal adjacent sides.