7 to the sixth power in exponent form is 76
No. An expression can have a variable exponent (for instance, 2 to the power x, or x to the power y), but that is no longer a polynomial.
The base is 7 and the exponent is 3.
Answer: 1 Something like 52 is called a power. The base is 5 and the exponent is 2. If the exponent is not given it is assumed to be one, so that 760 = 7601. The exponent is 1.
7 to the second power
Not sure what you're asking. Any number can be an exponent, like 1013, where 13 would be the exponent in this case. If you were given the number 13, and asked what the exponent was, the answer would be one (1), since any number to the 1 power equals that number, so 131 = 13, if no exponent is given then it is assumed to be one (1).
Thirteen to the one power is 13 cause 1 times 13 eqaul 13
3. 13 x 13 x 13 = 133 = 13 cubed.
Power = 5 = exponent. That is, exponent = 5.
To get something to a negative power, first you must put it on the opposite side of the fraction it would be on currently. Also, when you do this, you switch the negative exponent to a positive exponent. 13^-2 1 = 1 13^2 Solve. 1 169 = 13^-2
The exponent is 1 132 = 169 131 = 13 130 = 1
The exponent is 2 - from the SECOND power.
The exponent.
The exponent is TWO.
The exponent is five.