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The domain.

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Q: What is the first set of elements in a relation?
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What is the set of the first numbers of the ordered pairs in a relation called?

they are the first set of paired elements

What is the best definition of a relation in math?

The relation, between two sets of objects, is a mapping which associates elements of the first set to those of the second set.

What is the largest equivalence relation on a set A?

An equivalence relation on a set is one that is transitive, reflexive and symmetric. Given a set A with n elements, the largest equivalence relation is AXA since it has n2 elements. Given any element a of the set, the smallest equivalence relation is (a,a) which has n elements.

What is relation of elements and subsets?

Elements belong to subsets: subsets contain elements (from the parent set).

What makes a relation a function?

A relation is a mapping from one set to another. It is a function if elements of the first set are mapped to only one element from the second set. So, for example, square root is not a function because 9 can be mapped to -3 and 3.

What is the function of relation domain and range in mathematics?

A relation is a mapping from elements of one set, called the domain, to elements of another set, called the range. The function of the three terms: relation, domain and range, is to define the parameters of a mapping which may or may not be a function.

Why duplicate tuples are not allowed in DBMS?

Since relation is a set, and tuples are element of a set, according to set theory, the elements of a set are not ordered.

How do you determine the number of subsets in relation to the universal set?

If the universal set, U, has N elements then it has 2N subsets.

How do you Derive The Number of Transitive relation of a Set 's' having n elements?


How many symmetric relations are there on a set with eight elements?

2^32 because 2^(n*(n+1)/2) is the no of symmetric relation for n elements in a given set

How do you Derive The Number of symetric relation of a Set 's' having n elements?

2^(n^2+n)/2 is the number of symmetric relations on a set of n elements.

What is a set of ordered pairs is called?

A set of ordered pairs is a relation. Or Just simply "Coordinates"