

What is the formula for finding slope?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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The answer depends on what information you have.

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Q: What is the formula for finding slope?
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Related questions

What is the formula for determining the slope of a line?

The formula for finding the slope of the line is this: m = (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)

How do you make a formula to find slope of an area?

You can make a formula of finding the slope of an area buy first finding the equation of the line using: y - y1 = m ( x - x1 ).

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point-slope formula and finding the slope of the line.

What is the slope formula?

The formula for the slope of a line/curve is (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1). If the line is written in the form y = mx + c, then m = slope and c = y-intercept Another way of finding the slope is by finding the derivative of the function wrt x.

What is the formula for finding slope of a line using the coordinates of two points on a line?

you do y2-y1 over x2-x1

How do you find the equation of a line if you know the slope and y-intercept?

The formula for finding a line when the slope and y-intercept are known is as follows:y = mx+bm is the slopeb is the Y-interceptJust substitute the slope for m and the Y-intercept for b.

How are the slope formula and finding slope using rise over run related?

If you define the rise and run in terms of the coordinates of two points on the line whose slope you are trying to find, then you should see that the two are exactly the same.

What is a-bxc in math?

it is the slope formula in the equation it is the slope formula in the equation

What is the greek formula for slope?

Formula for slope m is (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1).

What is the formula for slope of a straight line?

the formula for slope is y=mx+b, a horizontal line has the slope of zero and the slope of a vertical line can be answered as undefined

You can compute the slope of a line by using the slope?


What is the point slope formula?

Point Slope Formula: y-y1 = m(x - x1)