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it is a sringy substance.

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Q: What is the function of zonules?
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What is the zonules' function?

Zonules, also known as suspensory ligaments, hold the lens of the eye in place and help it change shape for focusing on objects at different distances. They connect the lens to the ciliary body and play a crucial role in maintaining the eye's ability to adjust focus.

Is there a body part that starts with z?

Zonules are part of the human eye. The zygomatic bone is a body part.

Human body words starting with a Z?

· zonules (part of the eye)

Body part that z?

Zonules are part of the eye. The zygomatic bone is in the human skull.

What are some body parts that strart with z?

· zonules (part of the eye) · zygomatic bone

What is a scientific body part starting with z?

· zonules (part of the eye) · zygomatic bone

Anatomy that begin with the letter z?

Zonules are part of the eye. The zygomatic bone is in the human skull.

What are zonules of zinn?

a ring of fibrous strands connecting the ciliary body with the crystalline lens of the eye.

Human body parts that starts with letter z?

Zonules is a body part. It is part of the eye.

What is the function of the ciliary in the eye?

Be sure not to confuse the roles of the ciliary muscles and pupillary muscles; this is a mistake that even the experts make at times. The ciliary muscles do not control the size of the pupils - this is the job of the sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae. The ciliary muscles adjust the shape of the lenses in order to focus the eyes. They are attached to the zonules of Zinn, which are in turn attached to the lenses. Contraction of the ciliary muscles slackens the zonules so they don't pull so much on the lenses. The lenses become rounder, and the eyes can focus on a nearby object. When the ciliary muscles relax, the zonules pull the edges of the lenses so they become flatter and thinner for distance vision. This is the basic mechanism of accomodation. There is some disagreement regarding the details - look up Helmholtz and Schachar if you are interested.

What part of your body or inside your body that starts with the letter z?

Zygomatic Arch

What body parts start with the letter z?

zonula ciliaris (a ligament in the eye holding the lens in place.Zonule of Zinnzoster immune globulinzygomatic bone in your face(pair)zygomaticus Major and minor ( they are groups of muscles around your mouth)Zygomatic bone which is a part of the skull.