

What is the point slope formula used for?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Solving equations using a graph such as y=3x+6. The "6" is your y-intercept, so you would move 6 spaces up on the graph, and then plot that. Then you would move three spaces up and one to the right, since 3x is really 3/1. You would continue doing that. If you wanted to move down, you would just move using inverse operation. So you would plot 3 spaces down and 1 to the left. -3/-1 which is the same thing as 3/1. The formula for slope is y=mx +b. Hope this helped!

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What is the point slope formula?

Point Slope Formula: y-y1 = m(x - x1)

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Given a straight line with slope m and a point (p,q) on the line, the point-slope formula of the line is (y - q) = m(x - p) It is used to represent a straight line in the Cartesian plane. This allows techniques of algebra to be used in solving problems in geometry.

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Use point-slope formula

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The slope of a line and the coordinates of a point on the line.The slope of a line and the coordinates of a point on the line.The slope of a line and the coordinates of a point on the line.The slope of a line and the coordinates of a point on the line.

Calculate the slope of the line passing through the points (6, 4) and (2, 3)?

Slope can be calculated with the slope formula. This formula is: m (slope) = second y point - first y point / second x point - first x point Applying this formula to this problem, you get: 3-4/2-6 = -1/-4 = 1/4 The slope of (6,4) and (2,3) is 1/4.

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the formula used to calculate a slope is: m=y2-y1/x2-x1

What is the formula used calculator slope?

the formula used to calculate a slope is: m=y2-y1/x2-x1

Who was the person that invented the point slope formula?

Rene Decartes

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point-slope formula and finding the slope of the line.

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Why can you use the point-slope formula when writing an equation of a horizontal line but not with a vertical line?

A vertical line HAS NO slope! The slope is undefined in this case.

What is the origin of the point slope formula?

It was conceived by the French mathematician Rene Descartes