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Using the diagonal formula when n is number of sides :-

If: 0.5*(n^2-3n) = 189

Then multiplying both sides by 2 and subtracting both sides by 2*189

So: n^2-3n-378 = 0

Solving the above quadratic equation gives n a positive value of 21

Sum of interior angles: (21-2)*180 = 3420 degrees

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Q: What is the total sum of its interior angles of a polygon that has 189 diagonals showing work?
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A polygon with all interior angles congruent Is known as a regular polygon.

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If all of its interior angles are equal then it is a regular polygon

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Providing that it is a regular polygon then let its sides be x: So: 0.5*(x2-3x) = 464 diagonals Then: x2-3x-928 = 0 Solving the equation: x = 32 sides Total sum of interior angles: 30*180 = 5400 degrees Each interior angle: (5400+360)/180 = 168.75 degrees

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Any polygon can have two interior angles of 12 degrees. No polygon can have all its interior angles of 12 degrees.

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Yes. The interior angles of a polygon add up to 360°.

Can you have diagonals in reflex angles?

There's no such thing as the diagonal of an angle anyway. If there's an irregular polygon that has some reflex angles in it, there's no reason the polygon can't have diagonals that terminate in them.

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The smallest regular polygon, an equilateral triangle, has interior angles of 60. A square has interior angles of 90. There can't exist a regular polygon with interior angles of 30.