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We need to know a language and what kind of data you are storing.

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Q: Which command will take user input and store in a variable called data?
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What is the difference between char and varchar2 in dbms?

no diff between varchar and varchar2 char store only chacter type but varchar2 store variable chacters. also varchar2 shirinks the space if not fully filled but char cant.

Flow chart to find the given number is an Armstrong number or not?

1. start the program (Connector Symbol- Ovel Shape)2. Get the input (a number) from the user (n) - (Input/Output Symbol-parallelogram)3. store the number in an int variable (m=n)4. Initialize the sum as Zero (sum=0)-(Rectangle)5. check the decision as while(n>0)-(Diamond Shape)conditional (or decision), represented as a diamond (rhombus)6.If this yields true then process as follows:(Processing Symbols-Rectangles)(remainder) r=n%10;sum=sum+(r*r*r);n=n/10;7.check the decision statement again and continue with the process until the condition becomes false.8.Finally check m with sum9. If the sum==m Then print the number is an Armstrong-(Output Symbol-parallelogram)10.Else not an Armstrong11.Terminate the Program.(Ovel shape)

How does a computer store real numbers?

Without all the mumbo jumbo, in a nutshell;Computers store real number using an equation (sum) alot like scientific notation, except without the decimals, basically like this:378 X 10 4that 4 is suppose to be tiny, but im hoping y'all know what I mean. This is called floating point, not scientific notation.the 378 bit would be called the exponentand the 4 would be called Mantissaor the other way around, im not sure. The bold words will be key words you'll probably need.

Which is a sentence with to?

We were going to the mall. When we got there, mom went to the book store while I went to the music store.

What is the predicate in Alan and Bryan walked to the store on main street after school?

The simple predicate is: walked The complete predicate is: walked to the store on main street after school

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What is a variable used for in Python?

A variable is used to store information. As an example say you are asking someone for their favorite food, and want to store the answer in a variable called favoriteFood: favoriteFood = input("What is your favorite food?") Now if you print the value of favoriteFood (using print(FavoriteFood)) you will see that it has been saved in that variable. You can store any type in a variable, such as number, a string, or even an object.

Write a line of code that asks the python user to input an integer greater than 0 and store this value in a variable and display its value?

integer = input("Please input an integer greater than 0: ") print(integer)

How do you get contests of an input box using javascript?

Firstly, you have to have an ID assigned to the input field: <input type="text" id="ourText"> Then you use the getElementById. The property of the input field that contains the text entered is called "value." In this case, I'm going to store it in a variable I've named "userEntered." Then I'll use it in an alert. var userEntered = document.getElementById("ourText").value; alert(userEntered);

Algorithm that prompts a user to entre his or her height and store the user input in a variable height?

int height; print("Enter height"); height=getString();

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Yes. You can store any number of values input at runtime using a variable-length array or any other sequence container such as a list.

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Scanner scan = new Scanner("[input method]"); // input method could they key board //( or a String String one = +; // get the first 2 words and concatenate String two =; // the remaining word

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In Java a primitive data type called 'Char' is used to store a single character of text.Char myChar = "a";

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i think its a flashdrive

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NO. Variable capacitory can store a small charge

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enter five feet eight inchies and store the input

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bash by default is configured to store the last 500 commands. You can configure it to store as many as you want, limited only by practicality and size, to whatever you want by setting the environment variable HISTFILESIZE to a different number.export HISTFILESIZE=2000