Roughly speaking, the percentage error when you multiply two numbers (measurements) will be similar to the percentage error of each of the individual numbers. Actually, the MAXIMUM percentage error can be approximately as much as the sum of the individual percentage errors, but the EXPECTED percentage error will be less than that.
what term does not represent the same data as the others?x-valueoutputrangesecond element
The two numbers are the same.The two numbers are the same.The two numbers are the same.The two numbers are the same.
there is no mode if no two answers are the same.
It means you should get a dictionary and figure it out yourself. :)
100.6 and 1.1
A & b
Not enough information has been provided to give a precise answer.
90 liters and 94 liters
Precision is how many significant figures have been measured. This is the number of digits in between the first and last non-zero digit. In this case we have: 1265.12 = 6 sig figs 0.71 = 2 sig figs 24.5 = 3 sig figs 54 = 2 sig figs So 0.71 and 54 represent the same level of precision.
12.5 and 1,365.7 *APEX* 1.1&&100.6 0.59&&98.42 Correct answer: 35.68 and 0.764
18 and 20 ounces so does 3.9 and 11.5 ounces
Mostly, although adding that last 0 indicates a higher level of precision.
What are a subject-verb agreement?
precision is the total number of bits or digits in the representation of a number.accuracy is the number of correct bits or digits in a number.Given a certain representation on a computer, all numbers stored in that representation will have the same precision; however the accuracy of different numbers will vary, depending on the source and on the calculations done on them.