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Q: Which term below refers to a study involving the manipulation of one or more variables to determine the effect on another variable?
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Related questions

How do researchers determine which of the variables are dependent or independent?

The variable that you can manipulate in the experiment is always the independent variable. The quantity that changes as a result of your manipulation is the dependent variable.

How are variables influenced by manipulation?

dependent variable

What controlling independent variables in a experiment?

independent variable can be controlled by manipulation or selection.

How does the manipulation of an independent variable during a scientific experiment allow a scientist to find a cause-and-effect relationship between variable?

The manipulation of an independent variable during a scientific experiment allows a scientist to find a cause and effect relationship between variables. This is because the manipulation changes the results and measurements.

How does the manipulation of an independent variable during a scientific experiment allow a scientist to find a cause and effect?

The manipulation of an independent variable during a scientific experiment allows a scientist to find a cause and effect relationship between variables. This is because the manipulation changes the results and measurements.

Data involving two variables?

i need some real life examples for two variable data.

How do the test variables (independent variables) and outcome variables (dependent variables) in an experiment compare?

The test variable (independent variable) controls the outcome variable (dependent variable).

Which variable in an experiment is the variable expected to be affected by the manipulation?

Dependent Variable

Which variable changes in response to the manipulation of another variable?

dependent variable

What are values in cells that can be changed to determine new values for formulas?

Assumptions or variable.

Why would a scientist need to identify variables?

Variables are the basis of a scientific experiment. When the scientist is carrying out his procedure, he is actually altering a variable, called the independent variable. Unless he just likes playing with chemicals, he is likely attempting to get a result, and he does this by using measurements of the dependent variable, which has changed because of the manipulation of the independent variable. Identifying the variables becomes very important when formulating more complicated studies, and becomes the bread and butter of psychological experiments.

Can a correlated study determine when there is lack of a relationship between two variables?

Sure. If you can observe that when variable A changed, variable B didn't change, and this happens repeatedly, that is a good indication that there is no relationship between those variables.