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Q: Which two numbers have a mean of ten and a range of 8?
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Which two numbers have a mean of 120 and a range of 40?

100 & 140. The two numbers are: the mean ± half the range. Half the range is 40/2 = 20. So the two numbers are: 120 - 20 = 100 120 + 20 = 140

Need three numbers that have a means of ten and a range of two?

9, 10, AND 11.

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Which 2 numbers have a mean of 10 and a range of 8?

the two numbers that have a mean of 10 and a range of 8 is 6 and 14

Which two numbers have the mean of 9 and the range of 4?

7 and 11 do.

What two numbers with a range of 10?

What are two numbers with a range of 10

What is the mean median mode range for 12107 1115?

The mean and the median of the two numbers, 12107 and 1115 are 6611.There is no mode. The range is 10992.

What does mean and range mean?

Mean means (hahah...get it?) finding an average of a number. You can find an average by adding up all of the numbers and then dividing it by how many numbers you added up. To get a Range, you must subtract the smallest number from the biggest number and you will get the range of the two numbers. Hope this helps!

What number from two to ten are divisible by 495?

None of the numbers in that range are divisible by 495. 495 is divisible by 3 and 5.

What are two numbers with a range of 7?

To find range you simply subtract the highest and lowest numbers in a set. So that means to find two numbers with a range of 7, you must choose two numbers that are 7 apart.Some numbers with a range of 7 are:-3 and 40 and 73 and 10

What does mean mode and range mean?

Its range, median, and mode.Range is the distance between the two farthest numbers out.Median is the middle number.And mode is the number that appears the most.

How do you calculate the range between two numbers?

The range of two numbers, or a set of numbers (more than two numbers) is the difference between the greatest number and the smallest number (numerically). Hope this helps!