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Q: What two numbers have a mean of 10 and a range of 4?
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What two numbers with a range of 10?

What are two numbers with a range of 10

Which 2 numbers have a mean of 10 and a range of 8?

the two numbers that have a mean of 10 and a range of 8 is 6 and 14

What are two numbers with a range of 7?

To find range you simply subtract the highest and lowest numbers in a set. So that means to find two numbers with a range of 7, you must choose two numbers that are 7 apart.Some numbers with a range of 7 are:-3 and 40 and 73 and 10

What is the range mean in a math problem?

Range means the difference between the greatest and smallest numbers in a sequence of numbers. For example: 1,2,4,5,6,7,7,10,11 11-1=10, therefore the range is 10.

what 2 numbers have a mean of 10 and a range of 6?

12 and 8

Which two numbers have a mode of 10 and a range of 8?

The modes is the number which occurs most often. The range is the biggest number - the smallest number. The only way to have a mode of 10 and a range of 8, is to have the two numbers be 10 and 2. The numbers are different so each is a mode and the range is 10-2-8. Note, 2 is also a mode in the set {2,10}.

Which 2 numbers have a mean of 10 and a range of 4?

As there are two numbers, the range is the difference between themAs there are 2 numbers the mean is exactly in the middle of them.Thus half the range is less than the mean and half the range is greater than the mean.Thus the two numbers are 10 ± (4/2) = 10 ± 2 = 8 and 12.Algebraically, this can be seen:Let the two numbers be x and y with y > xThen:their range is y - x = 4; andtheir mean is (x + y) / 2 = 10{2} can be rearrange to give x + y = 10 × 2 → y + x = 20adding {3} to {1} yields: (y + y) + (-x + x) = 20 + 4 → 2y = 24 → y = 12subtracting {1} from {3} yields (y - y) + (x - -x) = 20 - 4 → 2x = 16 → x = 8→ the two numbers are 8 and 12.

Which five numbers have a mean of 10 and a range of 8?

6, 14, 7, 13, 10

What five numbers have a mean of 15 and a range of 10?

10, 20, 15, 17, 13

How many positive no.s with 2 digits?

There are 90 positive numbers with two digits. This is because the range of two-digit numbers is from 10 to 99 (inclusive), and there are 90 numbers within this range.

How do you work out range of number?

To find the range between two numbers you subtract the lower number from the higher number and Presto! you have the range. ex. What is the range between 10 and 20? 10. Another way is to simply put the numbers like this 10-20.

Give five numbers with a mean of 10 and a range of 2?

9, 10, 10, 10, and 11, which also happens to have a mode of 10, as well as a mean of 10.