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Why are Quadratic equations, which are expressed in the form of ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a does not equal 0,

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Q: Why are Quadratic equations which are expressed in the form of ax2 plus bx plus c 0 where a does not equal 0 may have how many solutions?
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What are the two solutions for quadratic equations?

Quadratic curves only have two solutions when the discrimant is greater than or equal to zero.

Do you agree that quadratic equations has at most two solutions?

Yes and sometimes the two solutions are equal

Why are there usually two solutions in quadratic equations and when do they only have one solution?

If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is greater than zero then it will have two different solutions. If the discriminant is equal to zero then it will have two equal solutions. If the discriminant is less than zero then it will have no real solutions.

How do you find quadratic equation with only 2 solutions?

If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is equal or greater than zero it will have 2 solutions if it is less than zero then there are no solutions.

What statements must be true of an equation before you can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions?

That the discriminant of the quadratic equation must be greater or equal to zero for it to have solutions. If the discriminant is less than zero then the quadratic equation will have no solutions.

Why do quadratic equations where the discriminant is 0 have exactly 1 real solution?

Suppose the quadratic equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0 and D = b^2 - 4ac is the discriminant. Then the solutions to the quadratic equation are [-b ± sqrt(d)]/(2a). Since D = 0, the both solutions are equal to -b/(2a), a single real solution.

How many real solutions does a quadratic equation have if its discriminant is zero?

It will then have two equal real solutions

What is the answer for this quadratic equation 2x2 - 3x - 90?

That's not an equation - it doesn't have an equal sign. Assuming you mean 2x2 - 3x - 90 = 0, you can find the solution, or usually the two solutions, of such equations with the quadratic formula. In this case, replace a = 2, b = -3, c = -90.

Do all linear quadratic systems have two solutions or one?

They will have 2 different solutions or 2 equal solutions and some times none depending on the value of the discriminant within the quadratic equation

How does the zero product rule help you solve quadratic equations?

Factor it! Set each equal to zero! Solve

What are quadratic equations with real roots?

If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is zero then it will have 2 equal roots. If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is greater than zero then it will have 2 different roots. If the discriminant of the quadratic equation is less than zero then it will have no roots.

Can all quadratics be solved by completing the square?

Completing the square is one method for solving a quadratic equation. A quadratic equation can also be solved by factoring, using the square roots or quadratic formula. Solving quadratic equations by completing the square will always work when solving quadratic equations-You can also use division or even simply take a GCF, set the quantities( ) equal to zero, and subtract or add to solve for the variable