

Why the Gauss -Seidel iterative method?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Why the Gauss -Seidel iterative method?
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Solve the following systems of simultaneous linear equations using Gauss elimination method and Gauss-Seidel Method?

Solve the following systems of simultaneous linear equations using Gauss elimination method and Gauss-Seidel Method 2x1+3x2+7x3 = 12 -----(1) x1-4x2+5x3 = 2 -----(2) 4x1+5x2-12x3= -3 ----(3) Answer: I'm not here to answer your university/college assignment questions. Please refer to the related question below and use the algorithm, which you should have in your notes anyway, to do the work yourself.

Why would you choose Gauss Jordan over Gauss seidel numeric methods?

It will solve the solution "exactly", but will take a very very long time for large matrices. Gauss Jordan method will require O(n^3) multiplication/divisions and O(n^3) additions and subtractions. Gauss seidel in reality you may not know when you have reached a solution. So, you may have to define the difference between succesive iterations as a tolerance for error. But, most of the time GS is much prefured in cases of large matrices.

What are the advantages of gauss elimination method?

There are no answer for that..

Can you say that an iterative methods to solve a non-linear equation is actually a numerical method?

Yes, you can. Any iterative method/algorithm that is used to solve a continuous mathematics problem can also be called a numerical method/algorithm.

What is global convergence?

An iterative method is called locally convergent if the successive approximations produced by the method are guaranteed to converge to a solution when the initial approximation is already close enough to the solution. Iterative methods for nonlinear equationsand their systems, such as Newton's method are usually only locally convergent. An iterative method that converges for an arbitrary initial approximation is called globally convergentfrom wikipedia

What is difference between doolittle and gauss elimenaton method?

kuta panchod ha ya method....................................sala

What did Carl Friedrich Gauss discover?

the method of adding all the numbers from 1~100

What is the first number in an iterative equation called?

The first number you use in an iterative equation/method is known as the initial point and is often symbolised with a subscript 0 like so, x0.

C programming code for gauss Jordon method to solve quadratic equation?

how to use gauss programming to find LM unit root test with structural breaks and kpss

What is Gauss method?

Gauss's method was to find the sum of 1-100. He tried adding with pairs 1 + 100 = 101, 2 + 99 = 101 and so on. Each pairs was going to equal 101. Half of 100 is 50, 50 x 101 = 5,050.

What do we mean by iterative approximation of the fixed point?

An iterative approximation of a fixed point is a number, say x, that has been obtained through the use of an iterative method. x is called a fixed point of a function if and only if the function equals x when evaluated at x i.e. when f(x)=x.

Can we transform columns in gauss elimination method?

yes it is possible.not only columns but also rows can be transformed.