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Q: Euclid was an ancient Greek scholar who?
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Where did euclid die?

Answer 1. euclidthe greek scholar died in italy! Answer 2. Euclid of Alexandria died in Egypt. Nothing is known about where Euclid died.

Who was an ancient mathmatician?

One ancient Greek mathematician was Euclid.

Who are some ancient Greek scientists?

Some Greek scientists are Archemides,Euclid,Hippocrates,and Aristarchus

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Who wrote a famous book called THE ELEMENTS?

The famous book "The Elements" was written by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid. It is a mathematical and geometric treatise that serves as the foundation for modern geometry.

Which mathematician was born in the fifth century BC?

One ancient Greek mathematician was Euclid.

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What was Euclid considered in all of history?

The ancient Greek Euclid was a genius. His work in geometry helped science immensely. Not only in his time but later on when Europe developed.

Was Euclid English?

Euclid was Greek.

Today high school students study geometry that is based on the ideas of an ancient greek mathematician?


What was the religion of Euclid?

Euclid was a Greek mathematician, not a religious figure, and there is limited information available about his personal beliefs. It is likely that he followed the traditional polytheistic beliefs of ancient Greece.

What was Euclid considered in all of world history?

The ancient Greek Euclid was a genius. His work in geometry helped science immensely. Not only in his time but later on when Europe developed.