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Pi is an irrational number; it can't be represented as a fraction of two integers. It has been proved that the majority of real numbers are irrational. The proof that pi is irrational was found in 1770; it's slightly too complicated to put in this answer, but if you search with Google for pi irrational proof then you will find several different proofs.

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pi is called a transcendental number; it is not a rational number and so therefore cannot be written as a 'terminating' decimal (a decimal that ends).

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Q: Why does pi never end?
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Where does pi end?

pi never ends

Why does pi never end after 3.14?

The value of pi never ends.

Where is the end of pi?

The constant Pi has no end. It is a number that goes on forever and never repeats!

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What is the full extent of pi?

it never end pi is a radical; therefore, its symbol pi "π" is the whole answer, and there will never be an approximate answer.

Why is pi never ending?

Pi never ends because it is an irrational number and that means that it will never end it will go on and on

When the value of pi will end?

Most likely never.

What is all the numbers of pi?

the numbers never end!

What is the last number in pi?

Ther is no last nuber in pi. Pi is a never ending number that continues forever, even after the end of time.

Why does pie never end?

Pi never ends because it is a irrational number, which means that the digits never end or repeat in any known way.

Why do you have undefined terms in geometry?

Because you'll never find the end of

What would happen if someone found out the end to pi?

Impossible, Pi has no end.