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Well, honey, to draw an isometric projection of a hexagon, you start by drawing the front face of the hexagon as a regular hexagon. Then, you extend the sides of the hexagon at 30-degree angles to create the isometric view. It's as simple as that, darling. Just remember, practice makes perfect!

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11y ago

First, you will have to draw circle, and with exact measuring then draw a hexagon. Then make it a cube, and on the top side of this square divide each side by a dot and connect these dots with straight lines. Next, draw a circle in this new, smaller square. On a new paper, copy the previously made small circle. Below the previous one, copy the circle again (so you will have two circles). Make it a cylinder, then copy the cube from the previous draw below this cylinder. Draw the cap for the cylinder on its top, and basically you are done. Additionally, if you have found these instructions a bit confusing, you can search for a video on YouTube on this topic in case you are a visual type.

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