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(2 x 3) x 4 = 2 x (3 x 4)

Basically you switch the parentheses

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(2*3)*5 = 6*5 = 30 = 2*15 = 2*(3*5)

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Q: Give an example of the associative property of multiplication?
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Give an example of the associative property of addition?


Give an example of the commutative property of multiplication?


Give examples of the properties of multiplication?

Some examples of the properties of multiplication are the idenity property are EX./ 5*1=5 Then there is the associative property. EX./ 7*(5*6)=5*(6*7) Communative property EX./5*4=4*5 zero property EX./ 5*0=0

Give an example to show that subtraction is not associative?

The associative property refers to mathematical expressions where the order of the number is totally interchangeable and will still yield the same answer. Changing the order of a subtraction problem will give you a different answer. For example, 4 - 1 = 3. When switched, 1 - 4 does not equal 3. It equals -3.

How can knowing the multiplication properties help you evaluate 5 times 20 times 63?

According to the associative property when more than two numbers are multiplied, the order in which the numbers are multiplied will give the same product.

Give the 3 basic properties of addition?

The zero property in which the answer will not be affected. For example: 15+0=15 The commutative property in which the numbers are changed in order. For example: 5+9+2=2+5+9 Last is the associative property in which only the parenthesis are changed in position. For example: (9+2)+7=9+(2+7)

Can you give an example of Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition?

8*37 = 8*(30+7) = 8*30 + 8*7 [that is using the distributive property] = 240 + 56 = 296

Can you Give an example of a problem involving multiplication of fractions that can be made easier by using the associative?

Here is an example:27 x 25 x 40 If you calculate the RIGHT multiplication first, you can quickly find the product, 1000 - since 25 x 4 = 100, and then you attach one more zero. Calculating 27 x 1000 is quite trivial.

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In what situtation can you use only multiplication to find equivalent fraction? Give an example

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Explain the addition and multiplication properties of inequalities

What is the commutative property of addiction and multiplycation?

For any two numbers "a" and "b", a + b = b + a. To give an example with specific numbers: 5 + 3 = 3 + 5. The situation is similar for multiplication.

Subtraction is a form of addition and division is a form of multiplication give as example?

nope. Multiplication is a form of addition. Division is a form of subtraction.