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Here is an example:27 x 25 x 40

If you calculate the RIGHT multiplication first, you can quickly find the product, 1000 - since 25 x 4 = 100, and then you attach one more zero. Calculating 27 x 1000 is quite trivial.

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Q: Can you Give an example of a problem involving multiplication of fractions that can be made easier by using the associative?
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Division (and subtraction, for that matter) is not associative. Here is an example to show that it is not associative: (8/4)/2 = 2/2 = 1 8/(4/2) = 8/2 = 4 Addition and multiplication are the only two arithmetic operations that have the associative property.

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In multiplication and division of fractions, both involve multiplication. This is their similarity. In multiplication of fractions, multiply the numerator by the numerator of the other fraction and the denominator by the denominator of the other fraction. Example: 1/2 * 2/3 = 2/6 In division of fractions, reciprocate the divisor then follow the step in multiplying fractions. Example: 1/2 ÷ 2/3 = 1/2 * 3/2 = 3/4

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This is an example of the commutative property of multiplication

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Commutative law: The order of the operands doesn't change the result. For example, 4 + 3 = 3 + 4. Associative: (1 + 2) + 3 = 1 + (2 + 3) - it doesn't matter which addition you do first. Both laws are valid for addition, and for multiplication (as these are usually defined, with numbers. However, special "multiplications" have been defined that are not associative, or not commutative - for example, the cross product of vectors, or multiplication of matrices are not commutative.

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What does fraction multiplication mean?

It means that the idea of multiplication is extended to fractions. For example: the area of a rectangle is defined as length x width; but the length and width may well be fractional numbers of a measurement, for example length = 5/3 meter and width = 1/2 meter. In this case, you must multiply the fractions for length x width to get the area (in square meters). The multiplication of fractions is defined in such as way that many important properties of multiplication, known for integers, remain valid when you multiply fractions.

What is the meaning of associative law in mathematics?

The associative law states that the order in which elements are grouped does not affect the outcome of an operation. In mathematics, this law is commonly used in addition and multiplication. For example, (a + b) + c is equal to a + (b + c), and (a * b) * c is equal to a * (b * c).

Can you apply the associative property to subtraction?

No, the associative property only applies to addition and multiplication, not subtraction or division. Here is an example which shows why it cannot work with subtraction: (6-4)-2=0 6-(4-2)=4

What is the associative property of multiplication?

The Associative property of multiplication states that the product of a set of three numbers is always the same no matter which operation is carried out first.For example Ax(BxC) = (AxB)xC and so either can be written as 3x(4x5) = 3x20 = 60and (3x4)x5 = 12x5 = 60It is important not to confuse this with the commutative (or Abelian) property which states that the order of the numbers does not matter. ie AxB = BxAMatrix multiplication, for example, is associative but NOT commutative.(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)As a result, we can write a * b * c without ambiguity.

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Cross-simplification is a technique used to simplify the multiplication of fractions. It is possible when the fractions have common factors that can be divided out. For example the multiplication of the fractions 6/2 * 2/5 = (6*2)/(2*5). The 2's can be simplified out so that the multiplication is simply 6/1 * 1/5 = 6/5.

Which properties justify that 8 x 13.1 x 0.5 equals 52.4?

The associative property of multiplication. For an example of the associative property, read on. 2 x 3 x 4= 2 x 3 x 4. Simple, huh?