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The sieve is just a method for finding primes. You write down the numbers 2 through n (lets say n = 100). And you go through the list crossing off numbers in a set way. You start with 2, and cross off 4,6,8,10, etc etc, all the way to 100. Then you go to 3, and cross off 6,9,12,15, etc all the way to 100. Then you go to the next number (four has already been crossed off when you did 2 so we're at 5 now), cross off 10,15,20,25, etc.. all the way to 100, etc etc etc through the list till you do the last one at n/2 (50).

What you have in front of you now is a list of all the prime numbers from 2 to n (100), since everything else that is composite (not prime), has been crossed out.

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Q: A prime number is an integer greater than 1 whose only positive divisors are and the integer itself one method for finding all the prime numbers in the range 2 through n is known as the sieve of erat?
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