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It has been determined that the wait-time for computer support is normally distributed with a mean of 30 minutes and a standard deviation of 5 min. If 100 people call, how many would you expect to wait more than 30 min? (use logic here)

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Q: Calculate percent standard deviation of 1.5 percent?
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How is better to calculate your IQ with the basis of deviation 15 or with the basis of deviation 24?

deviation 15 is better

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3.898717738 is the standard deviation.

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Variance = 17.9047619 Standard Deviation = 4.23140188

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It would be 3*5 = 15.

What is the standard deviation of the normal IQ curve?

It is 15 points.

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The range is 12 and the standard deviation is 3.822448314.

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7.087547766 is the standard deviation for those figures.

What is a good standard deviation for a stock?

A good standard deviation for a stock is typically around 15-20. This indicates moderate volatility in the stock's price movements.

Standard deviation is helpful in calculating?

Standard deviation is a calculation. It I used in statistical analysis of a group of data to determine the deviation (the difference) between one datum point and the average of the group.For instance, on Stanford-Binet IQ tests, the average (or, mean) score is 100, and the standard deviation is 15. 65% of people will be within a standard deviation of the mean and score between 85 and 115 (100-15 and 100+15), while 95% of people will be within 2 standard deviations (30 points) of the mean -- between 70 and 130.

Which is better a score of 92 on a test with a mean of 71 and a standard deviation of 15 or a score of 688 on a test with a mean of 493 and a standard deviation of 150?

score of 92

Which is more consistency arthematice mean is 110 and standard deviation is 25 and arthematic mean is 90 and standard deviation is 15?

The standard deviation is a number that tells you how scattered the data are centered about the arithmetic mean. The mean tells you nothing about the consistency of the data. The lower standard deviation dataset is less scattered and can be regarded as more consistent.

IQ scores are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 If a certain statistician has an IQ of 140 what percent of the population has an IQ less than she does?

99.6% for