A decimal is not an integer. However a number with a decimal component can be either positive or negative
No but it is a positive decimal number
You divide the negative number by a positive number for it to stay positive. And you divide the negative number by a negative number for it to become positive.
A positive integer is a whole number or a counting number that is greater than 0. "Decimal" simply means that the place value of each digit is ten time that of the digit to its right. A decimal number does not require a decimal point.
i can be a negative number a negative number or a zero but i am never a decimal or fraction
A decimal is not an integer. However a number with a decimal component can be either positive or negative
No but it is a positive decimal number
Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers. Decimals can be either positive or negative.
No but it is a positive decimal number
Yes. a decimal is a positive number. you can have negative decimals too
You divide the negative number by a positive number for it to stay positive. And you divide the negative number by a negative number for it to become positive.
It is a decimal number, a positive number and a real number.
A positive integer is a whole number or a counting number that is greater than 0. "Decimal" simply means that the place value of each digit is ten time that of the digit to its right. A decimal number does not require a decimal point.
0.1 is the smallest positive number with 2 digits and a decimal point. without a decimal point the smallest is 10.
It is an integer.
If the decimal is positive, than a negative number is less than 0.
If the decimal is positive, than a negative number is less than 0.