

Can a whole number be a slope?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Yes. The graph of [ Y = 9x ] has a slope of 9 .

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Q: Can a whole number be a slope?
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Can slope be written as a whole number instead of a fraction?

Only if it happens to BE a whole number. As you probably know, you can't "convert" a fraction to a whole number, without losing precision. But the slope may well happen to be a whole number, such as 1, 2, 3, -1, etc. (or close enough to a whole number).

What if your slope isn't a whole number?

That is perfectly normal. The slope of the graph for converting inches to centimetres is not a whole number!

What is an undefined slope?

Any number from 0 up. Example: Whole Number: 5 Not a Whole Number: 5.5

How do you graph a slope of a whole number?

9x is 9 on the x axis.

Can the slope of a line be a whole number?

Yes, of course. If your slope is anything over 1, such as 4/1, you can also write it as 4.

What is the difference between a whole number slope and a fraction slope?

The only difference is that when a slope is expressed as a whole number, ∆x (changes in x-coordinates) is always one unit.For example,m = 3 = 3/1 = ∆y/∆xm = -1/5 = ∆y/∆xm = 7/6 = ∆y/∆x

How many solutions are ther for slope lines have?

The slope of a line on a graph can be zero, or any positive or negative real whole number or fraction or decimal.

What if when you divide your rise over run it's not a whole number?

Then the gradient or slope is a fraction. That is no big deal.

How do you graph a line if given the equation in slope-intercept form?

Slope intercept form is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y intercept. To graph this, look at b. The number there is the y intercept. Look on the y axis on the graph and find the place where that number occurs. Plot that point, which will be (0, b). Then look at the m term. This is the slope. Imagine this number as a fraction. If it is a whole number, imagine it as the whole number divided by one. The fraction is the slope. The numerator is how far you move up or down, and the denomontator is how far you move left and right on the graph. Find the second point this way, then you can draw your line. Hope this helps!

Why is the slope is represented by m?

M is simply just a random number picked by math maticians. Almost the whole alphabet stands for something.

How do you improve aerodynamics in a large truck?

you can slope the top of the roof, or slope the whole truck a bit more.

A line connecting 2 1 to another point has a slope of 3 What is the closest point with whole number coordinates above 2 1?
