Any number from 0 up.
Whole Number: 5
Not a Whole Number: 5.5
An undefined slope is just a line straight down. The slope is undefined.
You don't, because it is undefined.
then the slope is x=y. there is no slope.
zero is horizontal, undefined is vertical
No, the slope is undefined
An undefined slope is just a line straight down. The slope is undefined.
the difinition of undefined slope
An undefined slope is vertical.
A vertical line has an undefined slope.
The equation of a line with an undefined slope is x = a.
You don't, because it is undefined.
Undefined slope is a vertical line along the horizontal point of origin., the slope would have a denominator of zero, which is undefined.
No, the slope of a horizontal line is 0. The slope of a vertical line is undefined.
No. The slope of a horizontal line is zero. The slope of a vertical line is undefined.
A slope is 0 if it is a straight horizontal line. A slope is undefined if it is a straight vertical line.
then the slope is x=y. there is no slope.
zero is horizontal, undefined is vertical