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Slope intercept form is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y intercept. To graph this, look at b. The number there is the y intercept. Look on the y axis on the graph and find the place where that number occurs. Plot that point, which will be (0, b). Then look at the m term. This is the slope. Imagine this number as a fraction. If it is a whole number, imagine it as the whole number divided by one. The fraction is the slope. The numerator is how far you move up or down, and the denomontator is how far you move left and right on the graph. Find the second point this way, then you can draw your line. Hope this helps!

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Q: How do you graph a line if given the equation in slope-intercept form?
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Slope form gives you a clear image of the graph automatically as soon as you see the equation. In any given equation y=mx+b, m is the slope, which helps you visualize how steep the graph is and in which direction it goes (increases or decreases). b is the y-intercept, which is just a fancy term for where the graph intersects the y-axis. Using slope form helps you graph the graph way easier than using another form, such as standard form (Ax+By=C. What a mess!).

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The x intercept is at (84, 0) and the y intercept is at (0, 112) and so with a line join the points together which then will form a graph for the given equation.

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If you have anything that you're planning to graph, it's got to be an equation that has 'x' and 'y' in it. If you have an equation that has 'x' and 'y' in it and you're planning to graph the equation, then you've had enough elementary algebra to know how to solve the equation for 'y'. Do that first and bada bing, it'll be in slope/intercept form.

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Is a graph of an equation the same as an inequality?

no the graph will be written in slope intercept form or y=mx+b

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