A decimal fraction is said to be repeating if, after a finite number of digits, there is a string of a finite number of digits which repeats itself for ever more.
For example,
1537/700 = 2.19571428571428...
The first three digits in the decimal representation are not part of the repeating pattern. After that, however, the string "591428" repeats endlessly.
0.78 repeating as a fraction = 78/99
What is 1.49 repeating (9 is repeating)
As a fraction it is 193/990 = .1'94' repeating '94'
If you mean: 0.181818.....18 repeating then as a fraction it is 2/11
0.54 repeating as a fraction = 54/99 or 6/11
what is 0.194 as a repeating fraction
0.78 repeating as a fraction = 78/99
If you mean: 0.151515.....repeating then as a fraction it is 5/33
What is 1.49 repeating (9 is repeating)
0.13333333 repeating in fraction = 12/90 or 2/15
3.25 repeating written as a fraction is 322/99
If all 3 digits are repeating then as a fraction it is 215/999
The fraction of the repeating decimal 0.7... is 7/9
It is: 53/99It is: 0.5333 ... repeating = 8/15 as a fraction
The fraction for .4 repeating is 2/5.
As a fraction it is 193/990 = .1'94' repeating '94'
If you mean: 0.181818.....18 repeating then as a fraction it is 2/11