Factors must be whole numbers, not decimals.
Factors refer to whole numbers, not decimals.
Factors refer to whole numbers, not decimals.
Factors refer to whole numbers, not decimals.
Factors refer to whole numbers, not decimals.
When you Multiply two decimals it is called the product.
1) multiply as normal 2) count the amount of decimal places in the factors 3) put the same amount decimals in your product or anwser : ) , 8 ) , $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Factors must be whole numbers, not decimals.
Decimals don't have factors.
Blah blah blah
it affects because when you multiply you have to move the decimals to the left or right.......(helpful info)
When you multiply 4 by 2, you're doubling it, increasing 4 to twice its size. When you multiply 0.25 by 0.5, you're cutting it in half, decreasing 0.25 to 0.125.
Decimals don't have factors.
Factors refer to integers, not decimals.
Factors refer to integers, not decimals.