Natural numbers are the counting numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc... Integers are positive and negative counting numbers, and zero. So, an integer that is not a counting number could be 0 or any negative integer.
The next whole number or integer after 299 will give you 300
Every number that you can write with digits, and a decimal point or fraction bar if you need it, is a rational number. Very few of them are integers. Examples: 1/2 0.792461828459046 343/1928
Yes, assuming you're multiplying it by another integer. By definition, an even number is a multiple of two. When you multiply it be another round number, that even number becomes a factor of the result. That means any factors of that even number (one of them being two), will also be factors of the result, thus giving you another even number. If however you multiply by a non-integer, you may very well end up with something that is not an even number. For example, 6 is an even number, but 6 × 1.5 will give you 9, which is not an even number.
3 and 2/3
Any positive integer not including 0. Also known as "counting numbers." 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11...
The number was less than -2, for example - 3,000,000 -3,000,000 -(-2) = -3,000,000 + 2 = -2,999,998
6.3 is a decimal number, not an integer. Rounding it to the nearest integer will give 6.
You can give hundreds of examples, but a single counterexample shows that natural numbers are NOT closed under subtraction or division. For example, 1 - 2 is NOT a natural number, and 1 / 2 is NOT a natural number.
The next whole number or integer after 299 will give you 300
No, all integers are rational, whole numbers.
you would have to be more specific and give an example
Every number that you can write with digits, and a decimal point or fraction bar if you need it, is a rational number. Very few of them are integers. Examples: 1/2 0.792461828459046 343/1928