use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world
The same as you would a rational number. Its distance from zero will represent the number, whether it is rational or irrational.
Nearly any number you can think of is a Real Number. So 8 is a real number.
a real number is a number that can be rational or irrational
use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world
use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world
let x represent the larger number. let y represent the smaller number.
The answer depends on where real number!
how to use number line to represent real life event
her real number is 0217663788
it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number
one did
The answer will depend on what the five numbers represent!
Real Madrid represent Madrid, Spain.
I can't give you his real phone number but his fan number is 1 323 622 8588.