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Division by a fraction is equivalent to multiplication by its reciprocal. That isk / (x/y) = k * (y/x)

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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

3/4 divided 5/7= 3/4 x

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Q: How can you use multiplication to divide by a fraction?
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How can you use multiplication to divide one fraction by another?

To divide two fractions, multiply the first by the reciprocal of the second.

How is the multiplication of fractions and division of fractioms alike and different?

Division is the multiplication by the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse. In simpler language, to divide by a fraction change the division sign to multiplication and flip the fraction.

When you divide one fraction and another why do you have to turn it into a reciprocal?

To divide by a fraction, you multiply by its reciprocal. This is related to the facts that (1) division is the opposite of multiplication, and (2) a reciprocal is the multiplicative "opposite" of a number.

How can you use multiplication or division to find equivalent fractions?

Multiply or divide top and bottom of the fraction by the same non-zero number. For example, if you have the fraction 2/3, you can multiply both numbers by 2, to get 4/6, which is an equivalent fraction to 2/3. Similarly, if you have the fraction 4/6, you can divide top and bottom by 2, to get the simpler fraction 2/3.

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In what situtation can you use only multiplication to find equivalent fraction? Give an example


You use KFC in maths to divide fractions. Firstly, you keep the first fraction. Secondly, you flip the second fraction. The result of doing this is a reciprocal. Thirdly, you change the division sign to multiplication. Then you can easily multiply the two new fractions.

How do you divide an fraction?

use a calculater

What situation can you use onkly multiplication to find equivalent fractions to a given fraction?

When the fraction is in simplest terms.

Explain the relationship between division and multiplication in Divide whole numbers by unit fractions?

to divide a whole number by a fraction you invert the fraction and multiply. For example 5 divided by 1/10 = 5 x 10 = 50

How do you use a calculator to change a fraction to a decimal fraction?

Divide the numerator by the denominator.

How do you divide fractions to solve for the unkown?

when you divide fractions you need to flip the second fraction to get the reciprocal eg. 4 over 5 would be 5 over 4 then after you flip the second fraction you change the division sign into a multiplication sign and you multiply.

What happens when you divide a fraction by one?

when ever you divide fractions you must always flip the fraction you are dividing and change the division sign to multiplication, ex. 1/2 divded by 1 = 2/1 multiplied by 1/1 which equals 2