14.35 = 14 + 0.35
0.35 = 35/100 = 7/20 (Both divisible by 5)
14.35 = 14 7/20
Convert them to improper fractions, find a common denominator and proceed.
The answer depends on what you wish to convert into a mixed fraction.
To multiply mixed numbers, you need to convert them to improper fractrions, multiply and then convert them back to a mixed number. For example: 2 1/2 x 5 1/3 = 5/2 x 16 /3 numerator 5 x 16 = 80 denominator 2 x 3 = 6 so now you convert 80/6 into a mixed number 80 / 6 = 13 and 2/6 or, reduced, 13 1/3.
No. Mixed numbers are a number and a fraction.
A mixed number is a rational number. Mixed numbers are not a rational number but many of them.
Whole numbers such as 264 are not normally converted into mixed numbers.
Mixed fractions can't become whole numbers.
the answer for tht is nuthinqq hahhahha losers!
Any of its factors
Whole numbers such as 92115 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction and proceed normally.
It can't be one. Mixed numbers are greater than one.
Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. In actually adding mixed numbers, it is easier to convert the mixed numbers into improper (top heavy) fractions, do the addition, simplify the resulting fraction and convert any resulting improper fraction back into a mixed number.
Convert any mixed numbers to improper fractions. Once you have a fraction (proper or improper) do the division. 2/4 = 2 divided by 4 = 0.5
Whole numbers such as 92115 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
You can either add the fractional parts and, if required, convert the answer to a mixed fraction and then add the integer part to the integer parts of the two original numbers; or change both numbers to top-heavy (or improper) fractions, add them and then convert the answer to a mixed fraction.
multiply the denominator by the whole number, then add the numerator, the denominator is the same as the mixed numbers denominator