Carry out long division.
The decimal for the fraction 200 over 3 is 66.666666... (repeating). To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator (200) by the denominator (3). The division results in a quotient of 66 with a remainder of 2. Since the remainder is less than the divisor, you add a decimal point and zeros after the decimal to continue the division process, resulting in an infinite repeating decimal of 66.666666...
The answer depends on the form of the fraction. If it is a decimal fraction, you need to nothing to convert it to a decimal! (?). If it is in the form of a rational fraction, you need to use long division to divide the numerator by the denominator. The division will either come to an end or will go into a repeating loop of digits. The quotient from the division is the decimal equivalent. To convert to a percentage, simply move the decimal point two places to the right - inserting os if required.
To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the integer by the denominator and add the result to the fraction's numerator to create the new numerator, and keep the same denominator. Example 2 1/3 = [(2 × 3) + 1]/3 = 7/3
To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.
Divide it by the divisor.
The answer depends on what the divisor is.
So that the answer from the division is a single quotient.
Pie equals 3.417
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. Decimals don't have remainders.
Usually a remainder, decimal or fraction; depending on how you are doing your division
Carry out long division.
when you are writing a division problem as a fraction u take the remainder of your problem and make it the numerator and make the number you are dividing by the denominator
You use long division.
The decimal for the fraction 200 over 3 is 66.666666... (repeating). To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator (200) by the denominator (3). The division results in a quotient of 66 with a remainder of 2. Since the remainder is less than the divisor, you add a decimal point and zeros after the decimal to continue the division process, resulting in an infinite repeating decimal of 66.666666...
You do not invert it. However, you can convert the remainder to a decimal by carrying out a long division of the remainder divided by the original divisor. For example, 13/3 = 4r1 Then, long division of the remainder (=1) by the divisor (=3) gives 0.33.... which is the converted remainder. The full quotient, in decimal form is 4.33...