To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. If you want to convert a decimal to a percent, multiply it by 100. If you want to make a percent a fraction, just put it over 100 and then simplify. To change a fraction to a percent, divide the fraction and then multiply it by 100.
33% is 1/3
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 2.5 percent is equal to 1/40 or one fortieth.
To write 9 percent as a fraction, you first convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100. So, 9 percent is equal to 0.09 as a decimal. Then, you can write this decimal as a fraction by placing 0.09 over 1 and simplifying if necessary. Therefore, 9 percent as a fraction is 9/100.
Any fraction, such as 1/6, can be converted to a percent by multiplying the fraction by 100. 100(1/6) = 16 and 2/3 percent.
If you want to turn a percent into a fraction, all you need to do is put that number as a numerator in a fraction over 100. This would convert 120% into 120/100, which reduced would be 6/5.
The fraction of 1 over 3 is more usually called a third; as a percent it is approximately 33%, or more precisely, 33 and a third percent.
Uhhh.... 1...But since you asked for it in fraction.... 1/1
125 fractions are easy when over 100 125/100 convert into mixed fraction 1 and 25/100
First: you find the fraction which is 1 over 6Second: you find the decimal which is .1666666667Last: convert that to a percent and that would be 16%(16 percent)
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. If you want to convert a decimal to a percent, multiply it by 100. If you want to make a percent a fraction, just put it over 100 and then simplify. To change a fraction to a percent, divide the fraction and then multiply it by 100.
33% is 1/3