"mod" is short for "modulo", and indicates the remainder after division of the first number by the second. For example, 11 mod 2 = 1 (11 / 2 has an integer quotient of 5, with 1 left over).
Mod is essentially the remainder when a given number is divided by the base (of the modulus).So10/3 has a remainder of 1 and so 10(mod 3) = 111/3 has a remainder of 2 and so 11(mod 3) = 2
That all depends upon the first term of the sequence: As long as the first number is less than, or equal to 777 and as long as (first_number MOD 7) ≡ (777 MOD 7) will 777 be in the sequence. 777 MOD 7 ≡ 0 ⇒ if, and only if, first_number ≤ 777 and first_number MOD 7 ≡ 0 (ie 7 divides the first number) will 777 be in the sequence.
A COMPLEX NUMBER CAN BE CONVERTED INTO A POLAR FORM LET US TAKE COMPLEX NUMBER BE Z=a+ib a is the real number and b is the imaginary number THEN MOD OF Z IS SQUARE ROOT OF a2+b2 MOD OF Z CAN ALSO BE REPRESENTED BY r . THEN THE MOD AMPLITUDE FORM IS r(cos@Very interesting, but -i is not a complex no. it is a simple (imaginary) no. with no real part.
Dim prime, nprime = TRUEn=cint(inputbox("Enter a number to find whether it is Prime or Not"))for i=2 to (n-1)If n mod i = 0 thenprime = FalseExit forEnd ifNextIf prime thenmsgbox "Yes! It is a Prime number"Elsemsgbox "No! it is not a prime number"End if
10 input "enter a no."; n 20 for i = 1 to n 30 if n mod i = 0 then c = c +1 40 next i 50 if c = 2 then print "prime number" else print "not a prime number" 60 end
What is the number '5' a tribute to in Chris' MOD?ANS:B. 'Johnny 5' from Short Circuit
1 is the highest number you can count to using a mod-2 counter.
The MOD function finds a modulus. That is the remainder when you divide one number into another. So if you divide 10 by 3, you would get a remainder of 1. To do that with the MOD function, you enter it as: =MOD(10,3)
The modulus of a number relative to a base is the positive remainder when itis divided by that base. So -24 mod 7 = (-28 + 4) mod 7 = -28 mod 7 + 4 mod 7 = 4 mod 7 = 4while 24 mod 7 = (21 + 3) mod 7 = 21 mod 7 + 3 mod 7 = 3 mod 7 = 3.
by the serial number........................
Your serial number indicates that your Marlin mod 60 rifle was made in the year 1978.
If by "mod" you mean "modulo," then your question is meaningless, because "mod 1" is meaningless. For example, 18 mod 5 = 3, because you subtract the maximum number of multiples of 5 and the remainder is 3. But by definition any whole number modulo 1 would always be 0.
No such model number.
Mod is essentially the remainder when a given number is divided by the base (of the modulus).So10/3 has a remainder of 1 and so 10(mod 3) = 111/3 has a remainder of 2 and so 11(mod 3) = 2
intNumOfQuarters = intNumOfPennies \ 25 'calculate number of qaurters' intNumOfDimes = (intNumOfPennies Mod 25) \ 10 'calculate number of dimes' intNumOfNickels = ((intNumOfPennies Mod 25) Mod 10) \ 5 'calculate number of nickels' intNumOfPenniesleft = (((intNumOf