If two decimal numbers have x and y digits after the decimal point respectively, then their product has (x + y) digits after the decimal point.
When you multiply decimals first you should take away the decimals and just leave the number. Then multiply the two numbers together and you get a larger number than the two numbers you have. Then you have to count out how many decimals places you orignally had in both of the numbers then you put how every many decimal place in the first two numbers in the answer. Let me show you an example 34.56 x 76.096 Take away the decimals 3456 x 76096 Find the answer to this 262987776 Now go back to your two original numbers and find how many decimals places they each have 34.56 has 2 decimals 76.096 has 3 decimals Since you have 2 and 3 decimals you have to put 5 decimal places in your final answer 2629.87776 this is your answer
To multiply two digit decimal numbers, multiply the numbers as you would without the decimals. To put the decimal in the answer, count the number of decimal places in the two numbers and put the decimal in the answer that many places to the left. For example: 5.12 x 6.35 = 32.5120. If the numbers were 51.2 x 63.5, the answer would be 3251.20.
convert fractions to decimal then just compare them,and then put them in order!:)
Oh, dude, you want me to round 16 to two decimal places? That's easy! So, 16 is already a whole number, no need to worry about decimals here. It's like asking me to put a hat on a bald guy - unnecessary but sure, why not?
Lets say that u r doing the problem. 5.2 x 2.1 there are altogether 2 numbers to the right of the decimal, so you take out the decimals, multiply, and add the decimal 2 numbers to the left.
STEP 1:Take out the points and multiply as normal. STEP 2:After multiplying,count the numbers that are after the decimal points. STEP 3:Then look at your answer and put in your decimal places from the right to the left.
The bar is only used for repeating decimals. If it is repeating, you can use it.
It is in decimal form already.
Hey awesome Question. The answer is no you do not have to line up the decimals when multyping only when adding and subtracting. The main thing is when you multiply make sure you put the decimal in the right place in your answer. YOu count how may places their are behind the decimals in BOTH numbers then you make sure their are that many places behind the decimal in you answer. :)
You line up the decimals with the thousandths and put the decimal straight down from where it is and just add with the decimal in the same spot.
You put all of the decimals in order
When you multiply decimals first you should take away the decimals and just leave the number. Then multiply the two numbers together and you get a larger number than the two numbers you have. Then you have to count out how many decimals places you orignally had in both of the numbers then you put how every many decimal place in the first two numbers in the answer. Let me show you an example 34.56 x 76.096 Take away the decimals 3456 x 76096 Find the answer to this 262987776 Now go back to your two original numbers and find how many decimals places they each have 34.56 has 2 decimals 76.096 has 3 decimals Since you have 2 and 3 decimals you have to put 5 decimal places in your final answer 2629.87776 this is your answer
It is 26888000 and there is no need to put a decimal point at the end.
no, there would be absolutely no place to put them in your decimal.
You simply multiply the two numbers together ignoring the decimal point. You then count the number of decimal places in each of the multiplicands and add them together. In the product, you put the decimal point so that there as many digits after the decimal point as that sum.For example, to multiply 2.63 by 3.271263 * 3271 = 860273.There are 2 digits after the decimal point in the first multiplicand and 3 in the second. 2 + 3 = 5So the decimal point in the answer is placed so that there are 5 digit after it: 8.60273
Nothing special to it just put all the decimals in line and your good.