When you multiply decimals first you should take away the decimals and just leave the number. Then multiply the two numbers together and you get a larger number than the two numbers you have. Then you have to count out how many decimals places you orignally had in both of the numbers then you put how every many decimal place in the first two numbers in the answer. Let me show you an example
34.56 x 76.096
Take away the decimals
3456 x 76096
Find the answer to this
Now go back to your two original numbers and find how many decimals places they each have
34.56 has 2 decimals
76.096 has 3 decimals
Since you have 2 and 3 decimals you have to put 5 decimal places in your final answer
2629.87776 this is your answer
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If two decimal numbers have x and y digits after the decimal point respectively, then their product has (x + y) digits after the decimal point.
You do not need to align decimal points when multipylng. You multiply the two numbers ignoring the decimal point but ensuring that any trailins 0s are present. The number of digits after the decimal point in the answer is the sum of the number of digits after the decimal points in the two multiplicands.
Because the number of digits after the decimal place in a product does not require that.
Moving the decimal point one place to the right is the same as multiplying both, he numerator and the denominator by 10. That is, you are effectively multiplying by 10/10 which equals 1. And since multiplication by 1 does not change the result, it is OK to do that. Similarly, moving two palces to the right is multiplying by 100/100. Similarly moving left.