Improper fractions can't become proper fractions. You can write 13/3 as a mixed number, which is 4 1/3.
all you have to do is like for example if there is 2 and 17 thirds all u would do is add 2+17 and then times it by three and you would get 57 thirds
Proper fractions are less than 1. Improper fractions are greater than 1. For a proper fraction to become an improper fraction, you would have to add a quantity that would make it greater than 1.
A denominator is the bottom number of a fraction. It tells how many equal parts make up the whole. It also names the fraction, such as "half", "thirds", "fourth", etc. For example: 1/4 - 4 is the denominator and the name of the fraction, one fourth or one quarter. The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. For example, if 3/4 was your fraction, the 4 would be your denominator.
An IMPROPER FRaction can be converted to a mixed number/fraction. Here is an example 14/3 Divide the '3' into '14' . It will go '4 ' times with a remainder of '2'. So the '4' becomes the coefficient (big) number and the '2' is placed over the '3' to make a faction. So 14/3 = 4 2/3 Mixed number/fraction.
The fraction strips that you can make if you start with a thirds strip is a fraction strip with, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, or any other number with using a third fraction just drawing it in a fraction strip.
You can make sixths or twelfths.
5 wholes is 15 thirds so your improper fraction is 17/3
Write it as 13/1.
three thirds
Since the magnitude is greater than 1, you cannot make it into a proper fraction.
823 is a proper fraction since it has no decimal.
Three and two thirds are equal precisely to three and two thirds. Nothing more, nothing less. Or if you want to make it a improper fraction it will be 11/3 or eleven thirds
Thirds, fourths and sixths.
Two thirds is bigger because is you make both the denominators 6. two thirds will be 4 over 6 and half will be 3 over 6
You make 3000 in to the improper fraction 3000/1 and then you multiply across. So you get 3000*2/1*3
183/25 It can't be a proper fraction. Proper fractions are less than one.