The given number divided by ten thousand, is 54.9..., or as an integer, 54.
So, the two numbers, rounded to the nearest ten thousand, on either side of the given number, are
540 000 which is a distance of 9 113 away, and
550 000 which is a distance of 887 away.
The second is much nearer and so is the number rounded to the nearest ten thousands.
There are quicker ways, using the decimal place values, but the above method works when rounding to the nearest 50 or any other number, not just a power of 10.
Nearest hundred: 82600,Nearest ten thousand: 80000.
To round 38519 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is 3. Since the digit to the right of the ten thousand's place is 8, we round up the ten thousand's place to 4. Therefore, 38519 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 40000.
To the nearest ten thousand it is 160000.
It is 420,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand
Nearest hundred: 82600,Nearest ten thousand: 80000.
Nearest ten THOUSAND : 40000. Nearest ten THOUSANDTH : 43678.4268.
To the nearest ten thousand, the value is zero.
5808695 to the nearest ten thousand is 5,810,000
To the nearest ten thousand, it is zero.
To round 38519 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is 3. Since the digit to the right of the ten thousand's place is 8, we round up the ten thousand's place to 4. Therefore, 38519 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 40000.
The number 387,210 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 390,000.
nearest thousand....68,000 nearest Ten Thousand.....70,000
To the nearest ten thousandth, 12.1756 To the nearest ten thousand, zero.
To the nearest ten thousand it is 160000.
It is 420,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand
1,112,433 = 1,110,000 to the nearest ten thousand.