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add a tenth of the larger number to the smaller number so the smaller number is actually the larger number or you could refare to 6 over 4 in pi over 56 = x square 2 pi

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Q: How do you take a larger number from a smaller number?
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ya i will solve this question by taking assumptions if we observe the question easily identified the larger number is greater than smaller number by 6 and one thing is the sum of two numbers is 3 times their difference from this information we clearly says sum is divided by 3 so if we take smaller number 1 larger number 7(add 6) (1+6)=3(5) and now smaller number 2 larger number 8 (2+8)=3(6) : : : take smaller number 6 larger number 12 this is the correct answer 6+12=3(6)

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The larger of two numbers is 8 more than 4 times the smaller if the larger number is increased by four times the smaller the result is 40. From this statement, we can calculate the values of the numbers where you get the value of the larger number to be 24 and that of the smaller number to be 4.

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To find this out, divide the larger number by the smaller number.To find this out, divide the larger number by the smaller number.To find this out, divide the larger number by the smaller number.To find this out, divide the larger number by the smaller number.

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Divide the larger number by the smaller one. If the answer is an integer, the larger number is a multiple of the smaller.

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I'm not sure you phrased that correctly. You might be thinking of a negative number, which is said to be smaller when it's larger and larger when it's smaller.

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The smaller number is a factor of the larger number, and the larger number is a multiple of the smaller.

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You subtract smaller number from larger and take sign of the larger For example negative 7 + 4 = -3

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Divide the smaller number into the larger number. If the answer is not an integer, the smaller number is not a factor.