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Q: When a number is being added to a positive number does the first number become smaller or larger?
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What is greater zero or any positive rational number?

There is no simple answer:Zero is smaller than any positive number.Zero can be larger or smaller than a rational number.A rational number can be larger or smaller than a positive number.

Why does a positive minus a positive equal a positive?

It is NOT necessarily a positive. It will be positive only if it is a larger number minus a smaller number.

Does Number values get larger as you travel to the left on a number line?

no its become smaller if it goes to the right it gets larger

What does a positive number minus a positive equal to?

A number.We can't be more specific because we don't know if the second number is larger, smaller, or the same as the first. If it's larger, the result will be negative; if it's smaller, the result will be positive; if they're the same, the result will be zero.

What is a positive difference in math terms?

When you subtract the smaller number from the larger number in the problem. The answer should always be positive.

Is the difference of two positive numbers positive or negative?

If you are asking how many numbers difference is there between two numbers, then it will be positive. If you are referring to subtraction, if the number you are subtracting from is the larger number, it will be positive. If it is smaller it will be negative. 3 - 2 = 1 (3, the number being subtracted from, is larger, so the answer is positive) 2 - 3 = -1 (2, the number being subtracted from, is smaller, so the answer is negative)

Is the sum of two integers positive or negative?

If for the two integers a + b = c, a is larger than zero and b is larger than the absolute value of the first number, then c is always positive. If a is smaller than zero, and b is larger than the absolute value of the second number, then c is positive. If a is smaller than zero, and b is smaller than the absolute value of the second number, then c is negative.

If a negative number is smaller than a positive number and you multiply them what does it equal?

A negative multiplied by a positive will always end in a negative number regardless of which number is deemed larger.

How does a positive number and a positive number become a negative number?

If the 2nd number is larger than the 1st number, and you subtract it from the 1st number, the result of the subtraction is negative.

If I divide a smaller number by a larger number will this indicate the percentage that the larger number is over the smaller number?

No, that will indicate the percentage the smaller number is of the larger number.

Do clarinet reeds become smaller the bigger the number my 4 is smaller then my 2 and a half?

No; The number of a clarinet reed refers to the rigidness of the reed, the larger the number, the more rigid. Therefore the larger the number, the harder to play.

When you add a positive and negative number together how do you determine the sign of the answer?

You subtract smaller number from larger and take sign of the larger For example negative 7 + 4 = -3