2.685 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 2685/1000 which can be simplified. But simplification means that you lose information about the precision of the fraction.
You can write 5.24 in word form as five and twenty-four hundredths
You can write 14.12 in word form as fourteen and twelve hundredths
91 in word form is ninety-one.
8,000,000 in word form is eight million.
2685, 5370, 8055 and keep adding 2685 forever.
How to write 64.218 in word form
2.685 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 2685/1000 which can be simplified. But simplification means that you lose information about the precision of the fraction.
take 2685 and divide it by 3 and then take the number that you got and multiply it by 2 1st: 2685\3=895 2nd: 895*2=1790 3rd: 1790 is 2\3s of 2685
What is the word form for 10.60
write the word form and expanded form of the number four
how can you write .59811 in word form?
2118077 word form
12 in word form is twelve.
seven and forty two one hundredths
You can write 5.24 in word form as five and twenty-four hundredths