Oh, dude, you just move the decimal point six places to the left because millionths are six places after the decimal. So, 75 millionths as a decimal is 0.000075. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Eight millionths = 0.000008
1,095 millionths in decimal form is 0.001095
Well, honey, to write eight millionths in decimal numbers, you put a "0." in front of the "8". So, it looks like 0.000008. That's all there is to it, darling.
It is 0.000007
one millionths in decimal = 0.000001
396 millionths in decimal form = 0.000396
Eight millionths = 0.000008
1,095 millionths in decimal form is 0.001095
375 and 27 millionths in decimal form = 375.000027
Seventy-eight millionths is 0.000078
One-hundred millionths is: 0.0001
1,318 millionths in decimal notation is 0.001318
Well, honey, to write eight millionths in decimal numbers, you put a "0." in front of the "8". So, it looks like 0.000008. That's all there is to it, darling.