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you could use an alt code if you have a num pad. you hold alt and press the numbers on the num pad, the code for less than or equal to is alt 243

≤ <---- made with alt code

Alternatively, in some fonts you can type the less than symbol next to the M on the keyboard and underline it, like this: < . It looks a little messy, but it works in a pinch.

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Q: How do you write the symbol less than or equal to in a word docment?
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What is the difference between the symbol less than and less than or equal to?

the symbol for less than is "&lt;" while the symbol for less than or equal to is "&lt;" with "_" underneath it.

An expression for 9 less than k?

If you want to say "Nine is less than a number k," you would write 9&lt;K. If you're asking for an equation, e.g. "Nine less than a number k is equal to that number divided by three," you would write k - 9.

What does the less than or equal to symbol mean?

It means that the number or expression on the left of the symbol is less that the value or expression to the right, or that they are equal.

What is the math symbol for is at most?

The inequality symbol for less than or equal to: &le;

What is typed to represent the words Greater Than or Equal To?

Usually the symbol &ge; is used to represent the words "greater than or equal to." ____ The greater than symbol is &gt; and the equal to sign is =. The less than symbol is &lt;.

What is a less than symbol with a line under it?

It means that is is less than or equal to that number.

What are two expressions with comparison symbols called?

If the "comparison symbol" is the equal sign, it is called an "equation". If the symbol is less than, greater than, less-than-or-equal, or greater-than-or-equal, it's called an "inequality".

How do you write less than 300lb using less than symbol?

&gt;300 lb.

What mathmatical symbol can be placed between 2 and 3 so that the resulting expression names a number between 2 and 3?

"less than or equal to". The symbol for less than is " &lt; " and for less than or equal to it is &lt; with a line under it

How do write in interval notation 0 is less than or equal to x while x is less than positive infinity?

That is, 0

How does the less than symbol look?

'&lt;' stands for less than It is the &lt; symbol located on the same key as the comma. I distinguish this from the &gt; (greater than) symbol because the &lt; (less than) looks like a slanted L (for Less than). The bigger number is at the bigger (wider) end of the sign. For example in 3 &lt; 5 the 5 is at the bigger (wider) end of the sign, so it is bigger than the 3, so 3 is less than 5. Depending on the fonts you have access to, "less than or equal to" can be written as "&lt;=" or "&le;" and "greater than or equal to" is "&gt;=" or "&ge;"

How do you write a less than or not equal to b?

if a is less than and not equal to b, it is written a < bIf a is less than or equal to b, it is written a &acirc;&permil;&curren; b