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Q: If x is 90 percent of y then y is how much percent of x?
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X percent of y is y percent of?

X percent of y is y percent of X See related link.

What percent of 300 is 270?

270/300=0.9, therefore 270 is 90% of 300. Generally, if you want to find what percent x is of y, then do x/y, then multiply by 100 and stick a percent sign on the end!

Is x percent of y equal to y percent of x?

Let [x percent of y] = (x/100)*y. And [y percent of x] = (y/100)*x.Use the ruSo the first one (x/100)*y = y*(x /100) = y*x/100.The second one: (y/100)*x = x*(y/100) = x * y / 100, which equals y*x/100.So yes they equal the same thing, so they are equal.

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'x' percent of 'y' = [ 0.01x times y ] .

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x and y are complementary so x + y = 90 and so y = 90 - x z and q are complementary so z + q = 90 and so q = 90 - z x = z so 90 - x = 90 - z that is y = q

How do you get an ordered pair of 90 degrees?

Assume we want to find the ordered pair after 90° counterclockwise rotation. From (x,y), we have (-y,x). If we want to find the ordered pair after 90° clockwise rotation, then from (x,y) we have (y, -x)

What is x and y if x minus y equals 90 and x plus y equals 360?

First you need to eliminate one of the letters. In this case, by adding the two equations together we can eliminate y. x - y = 90 + x + y = 360 __________ 2x = 450 x = 225 if x = 225 we can put this back in to the first equation to find y. x - y = 90 ----- 225 - y = 90 ----- 225 - 90 = y ----- 135 = y Now, knowing that x = 225 and y = 135 we can double check that this is right by trying these numbers in the second equation. x + y = 360 ----- 225 + 135 = 360!! Correct!

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Humans and cats share about 90% of their DNA. The genetic similarities are evident in various aspects, such as the structure and function of certain genes controlling traits like metabolism and immune response.

What is the formula for rotating a shape 90 degrees?

The rotation matrix for a 90° rotation is [[0,-1],[1,0]] More simply, if our shape is a function of x and y, we swap x and y and then negate y. For instance: if our function is y=x, then the 90° rotation would be x=-y

How do you turn x plus y equals 90 into slope intercept form?

Subtract x from both sides:- y = -x +90