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A negative multiplied by another negative will always give a positive answer.

E.g. -4 x - 3 = 12

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Q: If you multiply a negative number by a negative number is your answer going to be a negative number or a positive number?
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What is a positive integer a negative integer?

Start at 0 and go in both the negative and positive directions. So in the positive one we have 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,19, and keep going forever. Those are the non-negative integers. If we get rid of the o and leave all the others, we have the positive integers. Now take each positive integer, 1,2,3,4 etc and make it a negative number, so we have -1,-2,-3, etc, those are the negative integers. Or we can start at -1 and count toward negative infinity by going -1, -2,-3, -4, .... forever and those are the negative integers.

Is the difference of a negative integer and a negative integer is alwase negative?

No, not at all. It can be either negative or positive.Try this. We're going to give you a way to think about these things thatalways works, no matter whether you have positive numbers, negativenumbers, or one of each, and no matter which direction the problem goes:First, think of all the numbers, lined up like this ... just like the floors in atall building:+6+5+4+3+2+10 . . . (ground)-1-2-3-4-5-6-7The ground is at zero (look at it).The positive numbers are floors above ground, and the number tells you how high (look at it).The negative numbers are floors under ground, and the number tells you how deep (look at it).How to do Addition:The first number tells you which floor to start on.The second number tells you how many floors to move up or down.Move up if the second number is positive. Move down if it's negative.The floor that you finish on is the answer.How to do Subtraction:The first number tells you which floor to start on.The second number tells you how many floors to move up or down.But before you move ... Change the sign on the second number.. . . . . If it's positive, make it negative. If it's negative, make it positive.. . . . . Then add it to the first number, just like you do with addition.Move up if the second number is positive now. Move down if it's negative now.The floor that you finish on is the answer.And that's it ! Now you can do every addition and subtraction problem, withany combination of positive and negative numbers. You are powerful !

Is negative 8 greater than negative 2?

Well, let's take a moment to appreciate these numbers. Negative 8 is actually less than negative 2 because when you move to the left on a number line, you're going in a smaller direction. It's all about perspective, and each number has its own special place. Just remember, every number is important in its own way.

What is a number that's a square number and also an odd number?

u can have 81,121,49,9,25,169 ..... if u multiply any odd number by itself it's going to give an odd number and still be a square

Why is the quotient of two negative integers is positive?

because when multiplying or dividing two negatives equal a positive. Let me try to explain it using words and an example from everyday life. Imagine you say "I am not going to school." The not is a negative and means you are not going! Now say "I am not not going to school." Since there are two nots they actually cancel each other out and in this sentence. It is called a double negative. Your first not is actually cancelling out your second not which then makes you say that you are going to school. This is the same idea in math when multiplying and dividing. When you have two negatives they cancel each other out do not count just like in the "not not" idea. if this makes no sense i am sry. its the way how i was taught in 8th grade to under stand double negatives and it made sense to me.

Related questions

When multiplying a negative number by a positive number is the result going to be negative or positive?

The result will always be negative. Positive X Positive = Positive Negative X Negative = Positive Positive X Negative = Negative

Negative plus a positive?

Negatives and Positives Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Negative = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative Positive + Negative = Negative

Why does a positive number minus a negative number equal a positive number?

Because minus a negative number is equivalent to plus a positive number. So, in effect, you have a positive number plus a positive number and that is going to be positive.

Why does a positive times a negative produces a negative?

Because when there is a positive and a negative in the same problem, it gives you a negative. An easy way to solve problems like that is if there is an odd number of negative signs, then your answer is going to be negative. If there is an even number of negative signs, then your answer is going to be positive. (no matter if there is a positive sign in a math problem).

When you subtract a negative number from another negative number do you get a positive or a negative number?

always a negative number. just think about going backwards on a number line.

What is 0 - 8?


Adding a negative number to a positive number?

The way you add a negative number to a positive number is very simple to learn. First you need to check which number is bigger, the negative or the positive. Then you subtract the smaller number from the bigger number. Whichever number is bigger is the sign you keep. If the bigger number was positive your going to put a + in front of the answer. If its negative your going to put a minus sign in front .Here's an example: -5 + +9 = +4

What is negative minus a positive?

You get a positive subtracted number. A negative minus a positive number will always give a negative answer. And the answer will be more negative than either of the two numbers.

When you add a positive and a neagitive number what is it going to equal to?

It will be a number either negative, zero or positive, depending on what the two numbers you add are.

Is the answer going to be positive or negative if your adding a negative to a positive?

Not necessarily.

What is the use of negative numbers?

Basically you can use positive and negative numbers whenever there are two opposites. For example: going up a certain number of meters may be described by a positive number; going down by a negative number - or the other way if you prefer. Earning money may be described by a positive number, spending money, by a negative number. In a coordinate system, "right" might be positive, whereas "left" might be negative. Etc.

Why is it when you add negative and negative it equals a positive and negative and positive equals a negative?

Use a number line to image this. Subtraction means "switch directions". ..._-2_-1_0_+1_+2_... Adding a negative is the same as subtracting. You switch directions on the number line. -1 + -1 = -2 is the same as -1 - 1 = -2. Adding negative numbers only makes the answer more negative. If you add a positive close to zero and a negative far from zero you get a negative. If you add a positive far from zero to a negative close to zero you get a positive. Your question seems to indicate confusion with multiplication rather than addition. When you multiply 2 negatives, you switch directions twice and end up going to the right (Positive) on the number line. remember keep change change.