The line over a repeating decimal is called the vinculum.
0.63636 as a repeating decimal is 0.63 with a line over the 6 and the 3 Hope this helps :))
A Vinclulum
The line over the digits that repeat in a repeating decimal.
For a single repeating digit, it is a dot over the digit.For string of repeating digits, it can be a dot over the first and last repeating digits, or a bar over the repeating string.
when converting a fraction to a decimal, some of the answers will be repeating decimals. A bar or line is sometimes placed over the part of the decimal that keeps repeating. ex: 0.24242424 etc. can be written as 0.24 with a 'bar' over the 24 to show that it keeps repeating.
The line over a repeating decimal is called the vinculum.
Either, the decimal with a line over what's repeating (eg. 0.6 with a line over it), or decimal repeating (eg. "point six repeating").
for example if the decimal is 6.6 then to make it a repeating decimal you have to write it with a line on top of the .6 thats repeating
3 and 1/3 as a decimal is 3.3333333... (the 3 is repeating, non-terminating). In formal notation, it would be written as 3.3 with a bar line over the decimal 3.
Decimals can either terminate OR repeat. One decimal does not do both. Example-- 3.059 is a terminating decimal, meaning it stops. Example-- 3.059059... is a repeating decimal, meaning it repeats. You would write that as 3.059 with a line over the 0,5, and 9 because they repeat themselves.
0.63636 as a repeating decimal is 0.63 with a line over the 6 and the 3 Hope this helps :))
A Vinclulum
You line up the decimals with the thousandths and put the decimal straight down from where it is and just add with the decimal in the same spot.
A repeating decimal is represented by a horizontal line over the repeating part.So for example .3255555555..... would be __.3255and .33333333..... would be __.33
If I understand your question, you want to know the meaning of the phrase "repeating decimal". It just means an infinite decimal expansion (a decimal with infinitely many digits) in which, from some point on, the same digit or group of digits just keeps repeating forever. Every rational number (fraction) has a decimal that either terminates (in which case it can be considered to be a repeating decimal in which the digit 0 keeps repeating; 1/2 = 0.5 = 0.5000000000...) or repeats. An irrational number has a decimal expansion that never repeats. For example, 1/3 = 0.33333333333...; 1/7 = 0.142857142857142857...; 1/30 = 0.03333333333.... and is often represented with a line above the repeating number
line up the numbers and decimals multiply regularly then bring the decimal down