It is a whole number that is 1000 less than zero.
The next integer or whole number is: 1000
0.084 is not a whole number and cannot be expressed as one. It is 84/1000 or 21/250 as a fraction.
Shift the decimal point three places to the right. 6.5 x 1000 = 6500
The smallest four digit whole number is 1000.
No. No integer (whole number) is irrational.
multiply the whole number by 3,10 times
It is a whole number that is 1000 less than zero.
0.001 is NOT a whole number. 0.001 is = 1/1000 ( A very small fraction).
It is 1000
There are supposed to be 1000 geysers in the whole wide world.
The next integer or whole number is: 1000
It is a whole number that is 1000 less than zero.