It is a whole number that is 1000 less than zero.
0.084 is not a whole number and cannot be expressed as one. It is 84/1000 or 21/250 as a fraction.
Shift the decimal point three places to the right. 6.5 x 1000 = 6500
Multiply the number such that there are no decimal points, just a whole number. Thus if you multiply by 1000, you get 379. Since you multiplied you must divide by the same number to preserve the value. So divide 370 by 1000 and the answer is 379/1000
The smallest four digit whole number is 1000.
No. No integer (whole number) is irrational.
multiply the whole number by 3,10 times
It is a whole number that is 1000 less than zero.
0.001 is NOT a whole number. 0.001 is = 1/1000 ( A very small fraction).
It is 1000
There are supposed to be 1000 geysers in the whole wide world.
The next number after 999 is 1000. In our base-10 number system, when we reach 9 and add 1, we "carry over" to the next place value, resulting in a 1 in the thousands place and 0s in the hundreds, tens, and ones places. So, the number that follows 999 is 1000.
It is a whole number that is 1000 less than zero.